Clear the Hidden Mirror with Inner Child Healing

Dark Night of the Soul – What it is and How You Can Heal Thyself

I found myself down on my knees. Screaming. Crying. “What else do you want from me?#@!” I could feel the rough, soreness in my throat from the screaming. My anger had boiled over. “Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it!!!!#@#!!!!!”  It was the Dark Night of the Soul….

I wish I could say it happened only once… but it happened over and over again as I struggled to make my business successful. 

I would work day and night on my business. Writing hundreds of blogs and did everything the “experts” told me to do… and nothing worked. Yet, I still felt so alone and isolated… like I was in a dark, dark tunnel to nowhere.

I had given everything for my business. My 6-figure JOB, my house, my car, my friends, and even my sanity. And, nothing was working. I could barely make ends meet… and I didn’t know what to do to change my reality.

I call these instances “knock-down, drag-out fights with God”. When I gave everything that I had, but still came up empty…

Have you ever been in that place? Or are you in that place right now with your business?

There is very little support for Spiritual Awakening. Very few people understand what’s happening in the Dark Night of the Soul

What is the Dark Night of the Soul

Eckart Tolle describes it as “a collapse of a mind-made, conceptual meaning, of life.”

The beliefs and experiences you’ve used to achieve success in life are no longer working for you. Nothing seems to make sense anymore. You can’t do what you’ve always done. This is why you feel alone and isolated. You truly feel that no matter what you do, nothing matters.

You are meant to feel this way… so can stop looking outside of yourself for love and validation and learn to give yourself all that you need. It’s not that you are being punished but rather learning a new way to BE.

Where the problem originates

The problem originates when we are children. It’s a cycle that most people create because they are simply unaware.

When you cried or needed something, your parents and others re-acted to you. They believed that they were the solution to your problem or saw you as their problem. So they either over or under-compensated. Giving you too much or giving you too little. This is the birth of the Ego’s definition of Self. And, what I call the “Hidden Mirror”. It is a hidden mirror because we come to believe that someone or something outside of us is causing our pain. We get lost in the hidden mirror, lose ourselves, and lose our power in the process.

It usually starts with “If only….”

  • “If only he loved me…”
  • “If only I had the money…”
  • “If only I had more time…”

So when you face the Dark Night of the Soul, you are starting to give yourself what you need. To stop looking to others for anything. You learn to heal unconscious needs and love yourself and others unconditionally. But first you need to “Clear the Hidden Mirror”…

How You Can Heal Thyself and “Clear the Hidden Mirror”

What you will find is that there are hidden aspects within you needing your love and attention. These hidden aspects relate directly to each part of your Human Design. When you were a child, these parts of you were crying out to be seen, heard, and understood. And, the parts of you that won’t stop sabotaging your success until you listen to them!

To be fair, it was never our parents responsibility to see, hear and understand us. How could they when they had never even learned to do this for themselves? We can only give what we know… so the responsibility falls solely on each of us, individually. If you are reading this, you are here to help humanity understand this powerful truth!

The reason being that only you can tune into the voices inside of you. You just need a Roadmap and healing processes to do so.

Your Personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint

Human Design is the roadmap… it contains your purpose and your path. In your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint, I’ve broken down Human Design into the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery that contain all the Unconscious Needs you likely developed as a child:

  • Life Purpose Axis and the Unconscious Need to for Attention and Need to be Special
  • Leadership Axis and the Unconscious Need to be Different
  • Relationship Axis and the Unconscious Need to be Liked / Fear of Criticism
  • Balance of Being and Doing Axis and the Unconscious Need to be Busy
  • Daily Service Axis and the Unconscious Need to be Perfect / Need to be Right
  • Transformation Axis and the Unconscious Need for Time and Money
  • Communication Axis and the Unconscious Need to be Seen, Heard and Understood

In your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint, I take you through your entire Human Design to understand where you didn’t get these unconscious needs met. Then, I help you to identify your purpose and your path via each of the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery so you can discover what makes you uniquely brilliant and Find Your Divine Message!

How do I know when an Unconscious Need is sabotaging my success?

The very reason you feel alone and isolated tells you that you have an Unconscious Need sabotaging your success. This is why the dark night of the Soul feels so scary… as a child, you created ways to cope, survive, and feel safe; and, then proceeded to build your life around those limiting beliefs. As you begin to go for the Vision of what you really want, these limiting beliefs or “the mind-made conceptual meaning of life” that you were living by begins to collapse.

As the unconscious need surfaces for healing, you feel negative emotion. Anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, etc… are all signs that you have an Unconscious need and an aspect of your authentic self seeking your love and attention.

Your work through the Dark Night of the Soul is to be where you are. Which can be painful in and of itself, because you are usually trying to change where you are! The practice is to learn to be the observer of your feelings, while you feel your feelings. To observe what’s really happening and not get all caught up in your emotions is the goal. This requires you to recognize your Higher Self or Spirit, help your Inner Child feel safe, and balance your Mind-Body-Spirit and Emotions.

To get started, experience my “Clear the Hidden Mirror with Inner Child Healing” process with my free Healing Meditation and Visualization on my Healing Work page.

The pain pushes until the Vision pulls…

Overtime, as you create a relationship with your Inner Child, you begin to see, hear and understand every aspect within your Human Design. You wake-up to your Unconscious Needs as you love and acknowledge your true authentic self! And, you will cease to need pain to help you to wake-up. Then, you will notice your thoughts, stop being attached to your outdated story, and consciously create the reality you would love!

As Reverend Michael Beckwith says, “The pain pushes, until the Vision pulls.”

This takes time, patience, and a system to help you to understand what’s really happening so that you don’t get lost in the darkness.

I’ve spent 10 years, over 50,000 hours, and over $100,000 to build a complete awakening system. The dark night of the soul is scary enough… get the support you need today! Book your complimentary 15-minute “Attract Ideal Clients Now Session” with me today!

Love and Brilliance,

Crystal Davis of CrystalClearYou.com

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