
Manifest Your Authentic Business with the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery

For eons, we’ve looked outside ourselves to find happiness. When we found conflict with others, we would run around trying to fix everyone and everything to no avail. It’s exhausting! And, it’s a projection of how we feel on the inside.

I call it the Hidden Mirror, because what you see “out there” is a projection of how you feel and what you believe about yourself on the inside!

When you are a student of Law of Attraction, you know that you can only change yourself. Be Happy and you will manifest happy experiences.

But that simple formula becomes complicated when you want to manifest your authentic business.

No matter how hard we try to be happy, we get stuck where we don’t want to be, we don’t know why and we don’t know what to change to manifest More Clients, More Money, and More Life. Which is equally exhausting and as Law of Attraction “Experts”, we really have a strong desire to make Business and Life easy-peasy…

Hidden Since Birth

The problem with the “Just Be Happy” Law of Attraction strategy is that there are parts of you that aren’t happy and aren’t going to be happy until you love and acknowledge the message that “they” have for you.

These parts of you are aspects that have been trying to get your attention since Birth! They are the parts of you that hold your greatest gifts and your greatest challenges. These hidden aspects are the source of your real problem. They are the real reason you struggle to easily manifest your authentic business.

In other words, when you see, hear, and understand you, your tribe will see, hear, and understand you. THEN you’ll be able to communicate with others and have compassion for them. Note: You still won’t be able to truly see, hear, and understand other people. For the burden still falls onto other people to see, hear, and understand themselves.

So the real question is: Do you hear your own inner voice? And, if not, what can you do to hear yourself?

Manifest Your Authentic Business

From this perspective, you can now see why we have so many unresolved conflicts in the World! The desire to connect and love one another is strong… yet it is an impossible feat when you have these buried aspects within you seeking expression. And, it is especially difficult to manifest your authentic business.

The Hidden Mirror is strong and keeps us projecting our feelings onto others… judging and blaming the outside world until…

Healer Heal Thyself

When you were young, you didn’t understand yourself so you buried these “disowned” voices deep within yourself. The real problem (and opportunity) is that these “aspects” are important parts of your Divine Life Purpose. They are a gift to help you remember who you really are, but the only way they can now get your attention is to act-out.

These aspects of our true nature are screaming out “Listen to me!” They won’t nor can they stop acting-out until you see, hear, and understand the messages that they have for you!

This is what makes the Hidden Mirror and its projection field so dangerous… as we are asking other people for things that they simply can not give us. Pain escalates and gets worse causing problems in your business and life that are symptoms of the real problem buried deep within you.

Well-meaning parents, siblings, teachers, etc didn’t know what your real needs were… they were already stuck in the Hidden Mirror themselves.

Therefore, the only solution is to resolve the Inner Conflict via your very own personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint… and FINALLY discover your unique brilliance!

Personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint

These hidden parts of yourself can show up in all kinds of ways based upon your specific Human Design and the life experiences that have brought you to today.

To begin, each of the 5 Human Design types have an Emotional Theme that occurs when they don’t feel seen, heard, and understood:

  • Manifestor – Anger to Peace
  • Generator – Frustration to Satisfaction
  • Manifesting Generator – Anger and Frustration to Peace and Satisfaction
  • Projector – Bitterness to Success
  • Reflector – Disappointment to Surprise

These Emotional Themes are usually easy to see when you first look at your Human Design. The challenge is to heal and transform the reasons for these feelings AKA “your Inner Conflicts.” And, ultimately, Discover Your Unique Brilliance by understanding each of the 26 Human Design Gates and their interrelationship within your Human Design.

The 7 Axises of Self-Mastery

That’s why your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint breaks down your Human Design into the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery:

  1. Life Purpose Axis
  2. Leadership Axis
  3. Relationship Axis
  4. Balance of Being and Doing Axis
  5. Daily Service Axis
  6. Transformation Axis
  7. Communication Axis

As you work with your Human Design, each of these Axises give you the insight into why you are triggered in the following ways:

  1. The Need for Attention/Need to Be Special
  2. The Need to Be Different
  3. The Need to Be Liked/Fear of Criticism
  4. The Need to Be Busy
  5. The Need to Be Right/Need to Be Perfect
  6. The Need for Time and Money
  7. The Need to Be Seen, Heard, and Understood

These 7 Axises and associated needs help guide everyone through the process of discovering their Unique Brilliance. But the reasons for the Inner Conflicts are as unique and varied as each person is.

For simplicity purposes, look at all Axises collectively. Moving from 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.

We all try to “Just Do It” and communicate with others. Yet, if you have an “Unconscious Need” in steps 1-6, then it becomes very difficult to get present and communicate your divine message with step #7.

This is why I have organized the Unique Brilliance Blueprint in this specific order. It helps us to see why we struggle in communicating our Vision and attract our tribe of ideal clients…. AND realize what we can do to manifest the Biz and Life we love!

Healing the Projection Field

The unhealed needs within you are seeking just one thing… your love and acknowledgement. This takes time as most of us have spent decades or even lifetimes judging ourselves.

As you work to heal and transform your relationship with each hidden aspect of yourself, there is one powerful practice you can implement no matter where you are. That’s the H’onoponopono prayer:

I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

You can use this prayer in your “me” time and in your relationships with others. It’s not about never falling into the Hidden Mirror and projecting your feelings onto others. It’s about Self-Mastery. Using H’oponopono, you can start where you are. Even when you lose your way, love will be your guide. Just take the step you can from where you are…

What’s Your Next Step to Manifest Your Authentic Business?

What Conflicts have you been experiencing?

How do these outer conflicts reflect what’s going on within you and the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery?

What voice within your Human Design Birth Chart is seeking expression?

The “From Silence to Applause” E-Book can help you with your next step with your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint. Sign-up to receive it now. You can also learn more about working with me on my services page: www.crystalclearyou.com/courses-coaching/

Post your questions and comments below!

Love and Brilliance,

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