
Business Development for SuperConscious Success Coaches

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Struggling to “Connect the Dots” in your SuperConscious Success Coaching business? 

And do you feel alone and isolated—struggling to connect with your tribe of ideal clients?

Yet, you know that you have a BIG purpose and are ready to have More Clients, More Money, and More of the Life you love?

To create the success you are looking for,  a “SuperConscious Success Coach” has to Awaken to their authentic Biz by aligning to their Soul’s purpose across 3 distinct parts:

  1. SuperConscious Business Development: You need a framework for connecting your Biz to your tribe of Ideal Clients who love and adore your offerings. When you have a unique message that you alone can deliver, you will no longer try to be everything to everyone and stop unconsciously repelling the right people… all because you finally understand what makes you different!
  2. Emotional Guidance System: You need emotional healing support to move from feeling alone and isolated to connected and fulfilled. Alone and isolated is simply a hidden aspect of yourself seeking to be loved and acknowledged by you… when you feel connected with yourself, everything shifts!
  3. Spiritual Guidance System: You need the clarity to tune into your higher self and receive the “divine downloads” to move your idea from concept to reality… to stop cutting yourself off from the divine guidance that you have on the inside! 

Stand Out and Shine as the Crystal Clear You

Business can be difficult enough when you are dealing with so many moving parts. But when you don’t know what makes you different, your tribe can’t see you and it can feel like you are in a dark, dark tunnel to nowhere… with no solution in sight.

Are you tired of:

  • “working hard” to put yourself out there to market your business… yet you end up hearing crickets no matter what you do?
  • wasting your time and money on business development tools that don’t help you understand who your Ideal Client is and how to attract the right people to you?
  • speaking with prospects who don’t value the services that you offer and will never “invest” their time and money in the real change that you offer? 

If so, now is the time to understand what makes you different and align your Biz with your Soul’s purpose for More Clients, More Money and More Life!


The SuperConscious Success Coach Biz (Awakening Expert) Development Program

Remove the time and money “unconscious” blocks that have been keeping you stuck by creating your “Balanced Time and Money Freedom Plan” including answering these specific questions:

  1. How much time should you be spending on your business marketing?
  2. How much time should you be spending on serving your current clients?
  3. How much quality time do you want with your family?
  4. How much time do you need and want for self-care?
  5. How much money do you charge for each of your services?
  6. How do you make money while you are sleeping vs. awake… passive vs. active income?
  7. How do you turn your annual income into an monthly income?

Handouts — Templates, including Daily Organizer with Checklist


Minimize the overwhelm in your business by crafting your SuperConscious Business Plan”:

  1. Step-by-step template to simplify your Biz planning with a 1-2 page Biz plan that focuses your energy on your highest priorities for consistent forward momentum.
  2. Raise your consciousness to set SMART goals that align with your divine life purpose.
  3. Align your Biz plan with your Balanced Time and Money Freedom plan from Workshop #1. 

Handouts — Templates, including Business Assessment and 50 Questions that You Should Answer

Stop trying to serve everyone and hone your messaging by identifying your “Ideal Client Avatar”: 

  1. Step-by-step templates to help you resolve unconscious blocks and get crystal clear on who your Ideal Client is and prepare your 1-page Ideal Client Avatar based on your Ideal Client’s specific transformation.
  2. Fill in the blank Conscious Elevator Script to communicate who your Ideal Client is during networking and initial conversations with prospective clients.
  3. Key steps to Ideal Client Conversations with a Conscious Sales Script.

Handouts — Templates, including Ideal Client Transformation, Conscious Elevator Script and Conscious Sales Script

Stop wondering what you are missing by building your end-to-end Unique Branded System (AKA your Stand Out and Shine Magnetic Success Transformation System):

  1. Step-by-step template for building your Personal Marketing Freedom Funnel from lead-magnet to high-end offers that your Ideal Clients will love.
  2. Introduction to Ideal Client Discovery Calls/Strategy Sessions.
  3. Understand how your Ideal Client’s Transformation impacts your Ideal Client Sales Conversations

Handouts — Templates, including underlying tools and techniques for understanding how to use your marketing funnel to work through Sales calls and ideal client objections.

“Crystal holds such loving space for her clients. Every time we spoke I felt so refreshed and re-centered. She reminded me to stay focused on my vision. Working with her, I made a big leap to trust that I am cared for and supported by God and the Universe. And ever since, everything I have needed has shown up right on time! As a result of working with Crystal, I feel more confident to take the leaps I need in order to manifest my clear vision and saying YES to myself. I am excited about pouring the vision over the rocky, hard places.”

Ariel M. Kirkland, Transformation Architect,  Thought Leader & Coach, Washington, D.C.

Questions? Sign-up now for your complimentary 

Awaken Your SuperConscious Coaching Biz Success (90 Minute Session)

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