
Do you find it difficult (if not impossible) to turn prospects into long-term, lucrative Client’s? And, you feel lost, frustrated and confused about how to change your results–no matter how hard you work? So you find yourself-

  • Undercharging – Setting prices to avoid confrontation with your Prospect/Client out of fear of being judged or criticized 
  • Overselling – Keeping your sessions, courses and packages too large so that your Client never receives the transformation they really need
  • Overgiving– Giving so much that your Prospect/Client feels overwhelmed by you and runs in the other direction

All of these behaviors are keeping you and your business small! And, they keep you in your comfort zone…  struggling  to build the Coaching Biz and Life you really want because your Ideal Client’s can’t see YOU as their Solution!

It’s Your Time to Stand Out and SHINE!!

But the kicker is that you don’t even know you are the one keeping yourself hidden! This is because your unconscious mind is working against your efforts to Stand Out and SHINE in order to keep you safe… so you don’t even realize you are sabotaging your results until it is too late!

So while you are doing the work, you need a complete Awakening system to link these unconscious habits to what’s really going on deep within YOU and your Client… so you can finally Stand Out and SHINE!

This means that you will learn how to heal and transform yours and your Client’s deepest unconscious blocks. And, once you do, you will gain control of your unconscious mind and Stand Out and SHINE as the Awakening Expert you are designed to BE. That includes:

  • An Energetic Exchange of Money Based on the Transformational Value of Your Services
  • Fine-tune Your Sessions, Courses and Packages to Attract Ideal Clients Who Are Ready for the Transformation that you Alone Can Offer
  • Give Exactly What Your Ideal Client Needs in the Moment as you Stay Centered in a Calm, Confident, Conviction in the Value of Your Services!

If these sound like the changes you want and need, sign-up for your complimentary Stand OUT and SHINE SuperConscious Awakening Coach session with Crystal where you will:

  • Get Clear on which of the Unconscious Needs is causing you  to feel stuck (and not safe) 

  • Discuss the actual Pain Point your Ideal Clients are looking to  heal and transform AND why you don’t feel safe to go there with them 

  • Discover how your Unique Brilliance Blueprint (includes your Human Design) can help you to magnetize your Ideal Clients to YOU and turn those Prospects into long-term, lucrative Clients!

BONUS FREE E-BOOK: “The SuperConscious Awakening Coaches’ Guide to Extraordinary Coaching: A complete step-by-step awakening system that will take you from Ordinary Life Coach to an Extraordinarily Tuned-In, Consciously-Aware Awakening Coach!”  

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