To wake-up to your Divine Life Purpose, you have to heal and transform your Core Wound. Healing your Core Wound appears to be impossible. It’s the pain that you feel will never go away… no matter what you do.
The truth is you absolutely can heal your Core Wound and become the Awakened Visionary Leader you are designed to be.
That’s where Chiron comes in.
Chiron — The Wounded Healer
Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer. He had two parts to his nature because he was a Centaur… Half-human and Half-horse.
From Greek Mythology, Chiron was born of Kronus (who represents the planet Saturn) and a beautiful nymph named Philyra. To escape Kronus and his sexual aggression, Philyra turns herself into a mare. However, Kronus becomes a stallion, rapes Philyra, and leaves her.
Upon giving birth, Philyra was so disgusted and appalled that Chiron is a Centaur that she rejects and abandons her child… creating Chiron’s Core Wound that he is unloveable simply because of who he is. You can learn more about Chiron’s mythological story here.
Chiron becomes a gifted Healer for others but never can fully heal himself. Chiron’s Core Wound is the wound of Identity. The Core Wound that says “I am fundamentally flawed and there’s nothing I’ll ever be able to do about it.” In other words, being who you are wasn’t good enough for someone else and you can’t change who you are so you’ll never measure up.
I call my healing work “Clear the Hidden Mirror”. This is because we become so fixated upon the love we didn’t receive that we keep manifesting experiences that reflect how our Father, Mother or others treated us. This is at the root of whatever problem you are experiencing.
The Wound of Identity
The wound of Identity is the Core Wound at the root of all pain and suffering because we reject who we really are AKA “Self-Rejection”. The key to healing and transforming your Core Wound is Self-Acceptance. But you need a “To-BE” Roadmap to see, hear, and understand the hidden aspects within you that have felt rejected. Without a “To-BE” Roadmap, we never fully understand what we need to do differently!
I know the wound of Identity so well because I’ve also carried it with me since childhood. It is my Divine Life Purpose to help those who are ready to heal and transform this Core Wound. When you see, hear, and understand yourself, you stop seeking love from those who were never meant to replace your own Self-Love.
Healing Your Core Wound — My Story
My story of Self-Rejection started before I was born because my parents did not celebrate and didn’t tell anyone they were pregnant with me. Not even my siblings knew I was coming until I was born in my parent’s bedroom.
(It’s part of my story “Healing within the Silence.” Message me at if you’d like to purchase a signed copy of the anthology book “Heal Thyself” that contains my story. $9.95 Plus S&H)
I believed for so long that I was not important enough to celebrate and not worth it to spend money on a safe delivery at the hospital by a Doctor. My Dad also shared how scared he was that he umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and that he had to help me breath when I was born.
The story deepened for me as my father was emotionally absent, including never saying he loved me and didn’t give me hugs and kisses like I saw between other Father and daughters. While my Mom was very loving, she was a schizophrenic and was unable to be there for me much of the time as I grew up.
It was never verbal abuse and rarely physical abuse but rather the confusion of the Silence that kept the story alive in me. The Core Wound of Identity for me was a deep feeling of being alone and isolated. The confusion of not receiving the “normal” emotional cues to validate “who I am” stayed with me as a struggled to find love and build a business. I truly believed that because of my experiences I would always be unseen, unheard, and misunderstood.
Using the Energy of Chiron to Clear the Hidden Mirror
I would learn that we each carry these wounds of Identity because it was never our parents job to see, hear, and understand us. It’s ours and ours alone.
The Chiron story exemplifies this. Even though Chiron is a mythological creature, the energy of Chiron is alive and well inside of us.
The limiting belief that we are fundamentally flawed and that “there is nothing we ourselves can do about it” keeps us flailing about in an incurable sense of isolation and self-rejection.
Chiron is the missing link because it is about healing and transforming our Core Wound by seeing, hearing, and understanding each specific aspect within your Human Design… if you are ready to change your story and your experience.
When we look at astronomy, we find that Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus… representing the link between the personal and interpersonal planets. So when we use Chiron and do our Inner Healing Work on our Core Wound, then we can finally see, hear, and understand ourselves. As we love and honor who we are and embody “self-acceptance”, we naturally raise our vibration and easily attract the Biz and Life we love.
Healing Your Core Wound — Chiron in Aries/Mars
Chiron is now in Aries/Mars until April 2027… bringing the Core Wound of Identity to the forefront for all of humanity. Aries/Mars is the sign where we use our passion to make things happen in the World. To be confident in our actions (Aries/Mars) is the goal, but the Core Wound keeps us in stuck in worry, self-doubt and fear.
The current retrograde in Chiron between July 11 – December 15, 2020 takes us even deeper to heal and transform the Core Wound at the heart of our story of what we can and can not be, do, and have.
Ultimately, this means that it is your time to STAND OUT and SHINE!
Questions and Next Steps You Can Take
I know it feels difficult and at times impossible to heal your Core Wound. You can start by asking yourself these questions:
- Where do you feel fundamentally flawed and unable to fully accept yourself?
- What are your Human Design gates in Chiron?
- How can you more fully love and honor who you really are?
Because of my Chiron in Aries in my birth chart as well as my Sun in Virgo (the sign that governs Chiron), I am a Wounded Healer like Chiron. I’ve worked tirelessly for 10 years to heal and transform my own wound so I can help those who are ready to build a business in alignment with your true authentic self. For to serve your Divine Life Purpose and create the Biz and Life you love, you have to heal your Core Wound of Identity…. for as I always say… when you see you, your tribe will see you.
Visit my Healing Work page to book a session with me today. You can book a Clear the Hidden Mirror with Inner Child Healing Session. And, I also have a Heal Your Core Wound in Chiron package available that will help you to successfully navigate the current energies and fulfill your Divine Life Purpose.
My Healing Work is an instrumental part of completing your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint. You can also explore my other services to support your authentic Business development.
Please don’t suffer in silence any longer… I have been there, done that and am here to help you move forward with ease, grace and authenticity. Post your comments below or email me at with any questions you may have.
Love and Brilliance,